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Embrace your true self, align your energy, grow your business

The power lies within

You've had a human design reading, great! Now it's time to put it all to good use. Because having all of  that information is fantastic, but it's what you do with it that will propel your business forward.

Leaning into your human design is how you make the switch from constant striving & struggling to thriving.

You deserve more that overworking. Do you feel chained to your desk (or your kitchen if you make products), and it feels like you're working so hard but not seeing the financial benefits? You're thinking there must be an easier way!


You started your own business to do what you love and also to create financial freedom, right? You want to be able to go on holiday, buy nice clothes, and treat your loved ones, but for some reason you're just not getting there, no matter what you do.


You feel frustrated, bitterness, disappointed, or angry (depending on your human design type; see below), and it feels like you'll never get to go on those lovely holidays or get that new home. Are you stuck in the "it's so heavy and hard"? It's just one constant, long slog to nowhere and when you're constantly working and not getting anywhere, it becomes soul destroying.

You just don't know why what you're doing isn't working, and you've had enough!


It's time to let go of thinking you have to be a certain way and embrace your own unique way! Your unique way of growing your business.


Human design is a wonderful tool to help you validate your own authentic, unique, true self. It gives you permission to be you. Of course, you don't need validation or permission because you are inherently incredible, gifted, and talented, but sometimes our limiting beliefs, stories, and conditioning get in the way. Sometimes you just need someone who guides you to give yourself permission to create your dream life and business and empower yourself. 

You can go after your dream life and take that next step! 

You can do this!


Manifesting generators & Generators

You feel stuck because your business isn’t growing at the rate you wanted and, as a result, you feel frustrated and lack confidence. You constantly doubt yourself.


Frustration is the not self theme of the generator and manifesting generator. Perhaps you are thinking of things to put out there is your business but nothing ever works (this is what I was doing!)


Let me guide you out of frustration and into satisfaction which is your signature feeling. You're making the right aligned decisions for your business, you are doing what lights you up, opportunities are flowing to you and you are responding to what the universe is putting in front of you, which creates aligned action.


You are doing much less and earning more. Money is flowing effortlessly. 


You feel stuck because your business isn’t growing at the rate you wanted and, as a result you feel bitterness which makes you feel like you're not good enough.


Biterness is the not self theme of the projector. Perhaps you are inviting clients to work with you and it's just not happening, it feels like your invitations are falling on deaf ears (this is because you're meant to wait for the invitation, rather than inviting)


Let me guide you out of bitterness into success, the signature feeling for a projector. You know you are here to guide others, you know your niche, you know what you see clearly and help others to achieve.


Invitations come and you accept the right ones. Everything flows effortlessly including money and you're not a slave to work – you know you need to rest!




You feel stuck because your business isn’t growing at the rate you wanted, and as a result, you feel anger, and because of this, you feel dejected.


Anger is the not-self theme of the manifestor. Perhaps you are ignoring your urges or getting stuck in the doing all the time. You shrink to fit in.


Let me guide you out of anger into peace, which is your signature feeling. You recognise your urges, you inform people what you are doing, and then you take action. 


You know you are here to create a movement and get things moving for others. You know that your energy comes in peaks and troughs, so you know when to rest, and you no longer shrink to fit others. Everything flows effortlessly, including money.


You feel disappointment because you expected your business to be making consistent stable income but it’s not and, as a result you feel disappointment.


Disappointment is the not self theme of the reflector. Perhaps you are making decisions straight away, yet nothing seems to be happening for you, perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed trying to do business the 'traditional' way.


Let me guide you out of disappointment into surprise. You feel surprise when you are living your human design.


You know that waiting is key to making decisions, you are aware of your lunar cycle and know when is the right time to undertake all aspects of your business.


You know you are here to reflect back what you see and feel to others. Everything flows effortlessly, including money



"I was feeling very lost and stuck with my coaching business, I was getting in my own way and I was going around in circles. 

A good friend recommended Louise to me and I really resonated with her fun and easy manner so I joined one of her facebook masterclasses.


I got so much out of it so decided to have Louise coach me 1:1. Louise is so down to earth and doesn’t mess around with what she delivers. I always looked forward to our sessions and always got so much takeaways from each one. I now am much clearer on who and how I want to coach and how to manifest it all.


Thank you Louise xx"



I now am much clearer on who and how I want to coach and how to manifest it all.


About Louise

Human Design Type - Manifesting generator

Profile - 5/1

What's in my design that makes me the right person to help you transform your business?

My life theme is the left angle cross of cycles.


"Your life brings great transformations through cycles of material achievements, which affect not only yourself but also anyone that travels with you. You carry the potential to bring massive development into others lives. You become a hub for change in the world as your energy and abilities move through you and bring transformation to the people you work with and to your projects." The Book of Destinies by Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood

Also qualified in.....

Crystal healing with the British academy of crystal healing

Holistic coaching

Many other holistic practices such as massage, reflexology, aromatherapy, Bach flower essence practitioner, yoga teacher. 

My spiritual journey

Started in 2012 when I was suffering from anorexia, ill health and was in a corporate job that I hated. The spiritual path unfolded before me and I realised I could create a different reality for myself. I had many guides, mentors and coaches along the way. I couldn't have seen past my own 'stuff' without their support and guidance. I am dedicated to my own spiritual and personal development and love helping others with theirs.

"In the moment you can truly embrace your uniqueness, you are divine" - Ra Uru Hu

Live your design. 

The speed at which things come to us is not about the speed at which we are doing stuff. It's about the amount to which we are aligning with who we truly are. 

​You've had a reading but how exactly do you put all of that information to good use and use it to grow your business? How do you live your design day to day? During your 1-2-1 coaching sessions Louise will guide you to take various aspects of your chart and apply them to the areas of your business that require growth or development.


You'll be given tools and practices to help you truly live your design. You'll learn to follow your soul, to recognise what's blocking you and align with your true self. When you are taking action to grow your business from a place of alignment, from your true self not your false sense of self, magic happens. 

Increase your income

Abundance is a byproduct of aligned action.

Every human design type can create wealth. Yes there are some specific gates and channels that may point to your ability to create wealth but ultimately you, yes you, can create wealth. You may just have a different way of getting there to what you've been taught.


In your 1-2-1 session you'll learn to master your energy, to be a magnet for all you desire. During the energy healing sessions you'll release energetic blockages that have been holding you back. All that you desire, those things that you've wanted for so long, are all available to you. Let Louise show you your unique human design abundance blueprint. 

Let it be easy

Anyone can create a new reality for themselves

You have no idea how much easier it can be for you! You can create a successful business! What human design does is show you your unique way of doing it. If you have been struggling with the 'traditional' ways of doing business, there's probably a different way for you!


In the 1-2-1 session, Louise will guide you through your human design business blueprint. This, along with mastering your strategy and authority, will help you align your energy. To help you become a clearer energetic channel to receive all the good that is meant to come to you—more clients, more money, more ease! (Personaly, by applying the tools and techniques that I'll be teaching you, I have found that I do less and earn more, and you can do the same!)

Aligned Coaching Package



This package includes


  • 1 x 60 minute coaching call.

  • 3 x 45 minute follow up coaching calls

  • 1 x 45 minute crystal healing session to release blocks to receiving abundance & success.

  • Ongoing Voxer/Whatsapp support  for the duration of your coaching. 


Investment £695


When you sign up for the package below, you can book your first session, subsequent sessions will be booked directly with Louise on the call. 


Sessions can be taken anytime over a 2 month period.


Transform Coaching Package


This coaching package is for you if you want to take a deeper dive into your human design and begin using it to create more abundance. You'll shift your limiting beliefs, energy blocks and work on your abundance mindset and allow more abundance to flow to you via your business.​​


This coaching package includes


  • 1 x 60 minute coaching session

  • 7 x follow up 45 minute coaching sessions 

  • 1 x 60 minute energy healing session to release energy blocks and attract abundance

  • Ongoing Voxer/Whatsapp support


Investment £1199


When you sign up for the package below, you will book your first session, subsequent sessions will be booked directly with Louise on the call. 


Sessions can be taken anytime over a 5 month period. 




I now have awareness of when my conditioning pops up and how to handle that so that it doesn't take over.


"Before I started to work with Louse I was aware I needed some work on my mindset but I didn't know where to begin, I was unsure where I should turn to get help. I joined a group programme with Louise and it highlighted the extent of my mindset and how it was holding me back.


As soon as I took the plunge with Louise lots of things started to come up and I had shift after shift. Louise is fantastic at pinpointing what is holding you back and working with you to uncover the story that is running the show and preventing you from moving forward.


I look forward to my sessions with her, she helps make sense of my cluttered mind and my overwhelm and I am now seeing benefits in my business from me changing my habitual patterns.


I would say the one best result I got from Louise is understanding that how I feel is linked to the stories I am believing. I am still a work in progress but I now have awareness of when my ego pops up and how to handle that so that it doesn't take over. Louise helps me to feel lighter, calmer and get into an expectant, abundant and excited mindset, thank you Louise!



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